
Oh hey there friend! It seems you’ve found my blog.

You’re probably wondering, “Where am I? Who is this girl?” Same though.

Hi there. I’m Juju and I’m an anxious girl who has way to many hobbies and I’m working through my anxiety day by day and finding where I fit in in this crazy world.

My blog is a journey of self exploration as I am learning to manage my anxiety through self-care and exploring my crafts.

I am in no way a medical expert (I’m an English major and an Art Student) and I do not give advice. I do share my experiences with high anxiety and the ways I’m learning to deal with it because I have found that learning about other people’s experiences have helped me to better understand my own. Maybe it’ll be the same for you.

But I promise it’s not all anxious energy up in here. This my journey with self-care through the medium of creation, and so you should expect to find a lot of posts about the various projects I’m working on, the various books I’m reading, and the various places I’m exploring.

Plus, I’m building my fashion line! Come with me as I try to figure it all out!

If that all sounds good to you then stick around for a bit. I love having you here.

xoxo, Juju