
Hi there stranger! I’m Juju and welcome to my world.

A career counselor once called me “A jack of all trades and a master of none.” Pretty rough right? I thought so too, for a lot longer than I’d like to admit. But one day my brain sort of clicked and I realized that she was wrong. Being “a jack of all trades” is not a bad thing at all and I don’t believe her anymore that I’m a master of none. Plus I found out there’s a whole second half to that quote that no ever tells us! It goes:

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.

I share this mini story because that one line from a stranger shaped my life in such a dramatic way. It made me doubt myself, question my interests and eventually, it made me stronger.

Just A Jujubean is a collective place where all my many interests can live in harmony. My “niche” is that I have many, and I suspect a lot of other creative people do too. I can’t narrow myself down to one or two interests because the reality is, I love too many things. But above all, I love to create.

Creation is a fantastic way to practice self-care and as someone who suffers from anxiety I am finding the best way for me to deal with it is through craft. My aim is to explore the many ways a creative person can practice self-care and place no boundaries on where this blog many go.

Welcome to my little corner for the blogsphere. Grab a cuppa and settle in.
