
She’s Back And Furthermore, She’s Here To Stay.

She is me.

Hi there. It’s been a minute hasn’t it?

No need to tell me, I know how long it’s been. There are no excuses for my long absence and I won’t apologize for it but I will explain. I took on too much, I piled my plate too high with too many different projects and I overwhelmed myself. In turn, I let it all crumble and didn’t do much of anything at all.

I struggle with time management, to say the least. So I’ve begun a new self journey of learning to not overwhelm myself and not spread myself too thin. I hope you can understand that. I’ve learned to become a lot more understanding of it myself.

Anyway! That all said, I’ve made a pledge to myself that I will blog at least once a week. I can handle one well thought out and well written blog a week. And on the really good weeks I’ll even strive for two! But I’m not here to overwhelm myself just yet. I’ve had to really come to terms with the fact that I work a fulltime job, run an Etsy store, and am completing an online certification from Parson’s. That is a lot for any one person to handle. So for now, one blog post a week is what I can promise to myself and to you, the reader.

I’m welcoming myself back into the Blogging world and it feels good to be home.

xoxo Juju